I am not sure I am going to be able to handle this bye week business. Do the people who make the schedules know that they are messing with my mind? When you are addicted to something they should not be able to take things away! Shame on you schedule makers for torturing me like this! One thing I know is that we will not have to mess with that monkey this week. He gets to spend Thanksgiving in New Mexico. HaHa! In all seriousness, 2 weeks without Tech football is probably good for the soul, but don't throw in a day of eating 2nds and 3rds! I already need to be on a diet. I spent the first part of the week trying to come up with a logo for Fantasy Cruise & Travel. I have a lot of ideas in my head, but they don't ever make it to the computer. Oh well, I will get one designed sometime soon I am sure. With New Mexico State in our rear view mirror, we now get to focus on the San Jose State Spartans. I have been looking for something on the Spartans and it is just not there. I know a Real Spartan is from Sparta, but how in the heck did they come up with this name for San Jose State. The web tells me they adopted the Spartan as their mascot in 1925.
Why? What does it have to do with this teachers college? Prior to 1925 they had 5 different nicknames. The nicknames were the Daniels, the Teachers, the Pedagogues, the Normals and the Normalites. What the heck is Pedagogues? My dictionary tells me that it is a school teacher or educator who instructs in a pedantic or dogmatic manner. That is all just weird! Sammy Spartan, I hope all of your feathers fall out and you lose your shield! The team was going to practice for a few days and then CD was going to give them a couple of days off since they have a bye week. Matt said he had good practices and was kicking the ball well. He said he has not kicked as much this year, unlike last year and his leg really feels fresher towards the latter part of the season this year. Matt was going to spend his few days off with his Small Group from church. They were going to camp at Petit Jean State Park in Morrilton, AR. There is nothing wrong with some hiking and sharing each other’s ministry during some downtime from football. He said the scenery and views were incredible. He said his sleeping bag covered up everything except his nose.
They had a team meal Sunday afternoon and then it was time to get his mind right for San Jose State. They watched a lot of film and had a few "Back Pocket" plays that the special teams worked on just in case the right opportunity presented itself. Matt has had several occasions where he and some of the players have given back to the community since he has been at La Tech. With this being Thanksgiving week the entire team was going to be out in the community giving back to those less fortunate. Matt said he went to a retirement center on Tuesday where he and several other team mates played bingo with most of the people who lived at the center. He said it was a blast and hopes they have more opportunities to visit and share with the community of Ruston. I think it is great that Coach Dykes and his staff encourage this with the players. I am very proud of this football team. Matt said the practices had gone well and he was making good movement through the ball. He said he liked hanging out with the sweet spot! HaHa! The team had an early morning practice on Thanksgiving Day and then a team dinner around noon. He said the turkey was pretty dry compared to the fried turkeys we normally make during the Thanksgiving.
I guess that is what happens when you get spoiled to an injected bird fried in oil! The players were allowed to visit family or friends that afternoon as long as it was no further than 1 hour & 15 minutes away from campus and they had to let the coaching staff know where they were going and when they would be back. Matt spent the afternoon with Sutton Davison's family in Shreveport and ate some more and watched football. Thanks for having Matt over and making him feel like family. Matt made his way back to Ruston later that evening. The team left Monroe Friday afternoon and arrived San Jose 3 1/2 hours later. I talked to Matt after the team dinner and they were going to a movie and they will probably watch the end of the Boise - Nevada game when they got back to the hotel. I was going to watch the Boise - Nevada game. I had mixed emotions about this game! The only thing I will say about the game is that this was a true tale of two half's. As a parent of a college football player I felt like my heart was stabbed when I saw Kyle miss those two kicks. College Football is big business and don't let anyone tell you it is not! Kickers have to be so mentally focused to produce the product of a well executed kick! Life goes on, but the memories of that game will last a lifetime for the Boise faithful!
Stay strong Kyle Brotzman, you are a good kicker! Game day is here and I am ready for some football! My drawers are in place and my box is being chilled. This is going to be difficult game for me! There will not be a visual of the game. Come on ESPN3 help us out here. Nope, not going to happen! I have decided to follow Patrick Walsh on the Game Day chat and listen to the game on All Access. Janet (wife) is setup in the bedroom and will be listening to the game broadcast with the San Jose State announcers. We cannot be in the same area. She paces and I normally move to a different area of the house and listen or watch from a far! We take the opening kickoff and in 3 plays Lennon Creer pounds it in from 40 yards out and Matt Nelson connects on the PAT! I have not even finished my first glass of wine! Wow! San Jose State takes the kickoff and in 2 plays they are in the end zone. No way! What just happened? Back and forth we go exchanging punts. We stay on the ground With Ray Holley and Lennon Creer and Lennon takes it in from the 1 yard line. Matt Nelson connects on the PAT! Hello, we need more of this! We exchange a few more punts and the Creer/Holley show is at it again and Ray Holley rams it in from 4 yards out and Matt puts the PAT through the uprights! Happy Dance and red wine in the glass!
San Jose State starts the 2nd quarter with a 10 play drive and the score is 21 - 14 Tech. La Tech takes the kickoff and runs off 14 plays and Matt Nelson connects with a 33 yard field goal. That drive used up some time. After a San Jose State punt La Tech takes the ball down field and Lennon Creer is in again and Matt connects on the PAT. We throw an interception on our next possession and let San Jose State come back and score to end the half with Tech up 31 - 21. What are we doing? We cannot give up these easy scores. I think I need to take my box and go sit in the corner for halftime. San Jose State takes the kickoff and converts a FG. After the 4th exchange of back and forth punts Mr. Phillip "Saturday Night" Livas takes it to the house for an 88 yard scamper for a TD and Matt connects with another PAT. Phillip Livas has just tied an NCCA record. Happy Dance! Congratulations Phillip! The 3rd quarter comes to an end with Tech up 38 - 24. The 4th quarter starts off with the battle of the punts and then we let San Jose State run off 10 plays and score. This is not good! Why am I a nervous wreck? We take the kickoff and run off 15 plays and Ross Jenkins pounds it in from 6 yards out and Matt pushes the PAT through the uprights. I can now come out of the closet and sit by my computer! Woo Hoo! Wrong! We let SJS score and attempt and onside kick which we recover and then we have to punt.
Thank You Chad Boyd as Chad intercepts the ball and the game comes to an end! Wow another road win, but I am exhausted! Way to hang on Dawgs! A road win good or ugly is still a road win! I hope we can figure out the pass coverage before we play Nevada. We gave up almost 500 yards of passing. We have so much talent on the defensive side of the ball. I wish I could put my finger on a fix! No matter what my game time thoughts are I am very proud of this team. We are coming home to play Nevada with a possible chance to get to 500 for the year and a possible bowl game invite. I had high expectations before the season started, but that was really not fair with a new coaching staff. The foundation is being laid and I can see that. My game shout outs go to Phillip Livas for the NCAA tying return record, Lennon Creer for 252 rushing yards and 3 TD's, Ryan Williams and Chad Boyd for key interceptions. Matt called before they had to get on the bus. He was pretty pumped up with the win. He said he was happy with most of his kicks. They had a couple of high snaps that Ross was able to get down. We did not talk very long before it was time for the team to head to the airport. I am breathing a little better now. That was very stressful!
I hate non visual games. We have the high stepping Nevada Wolf Pack coming to Ruston on Saturday! I hope we show up in masses and rock Joe Aillet Stadium. Our team deserves it and our seniors really deserve it. I will be there loud and proud! Colin Kaepernick needs a Bulldog beat down and I have a good feeling that our defense is going the show him schemes he will never forget as he ends his senior year. Don't get me wrong Colin is an awesome QB, but he hit his home run against Boise State and Ross is on deck for his last at bat! I see a Ross Jenkins home run and a Phillip Livas record setting day! Safe travels to Ruston on Saturday and let's rock this joint! I appreciate all of those who are following my journey. It is such a blast to follow Matt Nelson through his eyes and the Bulldog team! I write from the bottom of my heart and what my feelings are at that moment. I don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings, but I am very passionate about La Tech Football! Everything I say comes from my heart! I am just a College Football Fan and I love football! Don’t forget to listen to my friends at Tech Nation Radio every week. The photo’s are courtesy of La Tech Athletics and the World Famous Tom Morris. May your Football Season be filled with many Football Victories, Sunny Smiles, Sandy Dreams and Travel Your Way! If you know anyone who needs help with their travel plans just let me know. Until our paths cross again, have a blessed week! College Football Dad!
Monday Morning with Viking River Cruises 5/2/11
Spring is still in the air! This is one of my favorite times of the year
right there next to the college football season. The trees have their
leaves on, ...
13 years ago
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